
Arsenic In Drinking Water

lady frowning at a glass of water

Why is Arsenic found in drinking water?

Arsenic, a naturally occurring contaminant in some groundwater which comes from rocks and soil that contain arsenic. This is a major contaminant and concern for human health. People are exposed to elevated levels of inorganic arsenic through drinking contaminated water and eating contaminated food when prepped with contaminated water and/or crops that have been irrigated with contaminated water. Long-term exposure can lead to a host of health issues, including heart disease, cancer, and more.

According to the CDC, boiling water is not a viable option to remove arsenic in water. In fact, it could increase the concentration of arsenic in the water. Chlorination is also not effective for arsenic removal. Although there are several methods to reduce arsenic in water, a water filter is the most common method.

Arsenic in water is odorless, tasteless, colorless, and potentially harmful at high levels.

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) – which has set a maximum contaminant level of 10 parts per billion (ppb) – reports that groundwater sources, including wells, are more likely to have increased levels of arsenic than the surface and municipal water supplies.

The two types most commonly found in water include arsenic III (the dissolved or ionic form) and arsenic V (particulate). Arsenic continues to grow at an alarming rate. Find your Arsenic levels here…  https://www.usgs.gov/mission-areas/water-resources/science/arsenic-and-drinking-water

K5 Drinking Water Station

How to Remove Arsenic from Drinking Water

Kinetico’s K5 Drinking Water Station is certified to reduce pentavalent arsenic (As V) in water. If trivalent arsenic (As III) is present, adding the Arsenic Guard FlexFilter cartridge will reduce this form of arsenic from drinking water. For those who want a solution for the entire home, Kinetico’s whole-house Arsenic Guard is a great option. The media used in the Arsenic Guard is called UltrAsorb A, which is used to adsorb pentavalent arsenic (As V). Trivalent arsenic, (As III), which is harder to remove from water, must be oxidized prior to entering the Arsenic Guard system.


Removing Arsenic from Water Supply

The Kinetico Arsenic Guard dual-tank filtration system reduces arsenic levels in your water supply. This system directs your water supply to the cartridge filter first to remove sediments and then the water passes in and out of the first media tank for the initial removal of arsenic. Water from the first tank is then sent to the second media tank for additional contact polishing of trace amounts of arsenic.

It is important to know how much arsenic is in your drinking water and how you can reduce your exposure.

Get your water tested FREE  by the water experts at Clearwater Systems to learn about the options available in filtering out all types of arsenic, and to ensure that your water is safe and free of these chemicals.

Contact us today!

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